Body Image

What is body image?

It is the perception, beliefs or thoughts about our body.
The point to remember is our perception of how we should look is based on social standards set by the society, that changes from region to region.
Media affects the most when it comes to body dysmorphia. Especially in adolescent teens because they are the most sensitive to vulnerability due to the sudden change in physiological and psychological changes.
A study was made on college students who were asked about their stereotypes of males and women bodies.
Most students rated negative stereotypes for fat people such as being less self-confident, less happy, lazy, less attractive, less willpower than thin people.
 Research shows that most women are dissatisfied with their bodies, particularly their stomachs, hips, and thighs, and use dieting to get their ideal body. And, men tend to use exercise to try to change body shape.
Some choose to take steroids to speed up the process of muscle
development, despite unwanted side effects.
 The historical portrayal of an ideal woman's body

The ideal shape of a woman is the outcome of successful marketing in the fashion industry.
In the 1600s, the fullness of the stomach, round hips, and breasts was considered a "symbol of fertility".
The Flapper fashion, which came after the First world war, demanded the woman to have a straight chest to complement their straight, low-waisted dresses. So women used starvation techniques and vigorous exercises to get a body like pre-adolescents teens.
In the 1950s, large breasts along with tiny waist and slim legs became fashionable. Then the trend shifted to slimness because it represented "youthful and freedom" in the 1980s and 1990s.
Vogue magazine showed women being physically fit, toned, taller and lean(breast is still being large).
The historical portrayal of an ideal male's body

The trend started with men having broad shoulders, narrow hips, and having clearly defined muscles. This is known as the "Daedalic" style after Daedalus of Crete(first greek sculptor)
The idealization of the male body can be seen in Roman paintings and sculptures where men are shown as slim and muscular warriors because they hated obesity and idealized slenderness.
In the 1950s, a semi-nude man was photographed showing their muscularity which was aimed at the female audience. Later, it became popular, so advertisers started using semi-naked men for advertisements ranging from perfume to icecreams.
Even though men have less social pressure than the woman. They are judged for their looks rather than their achievement which has created body shape concern among men too.
How to improve your body image?


Remember body for what it does for you(breathe, run, swim, walk, etc) rather than how it looks
Even though you eat and exercise the same as your favorite model, you won't look the same because genetics also plays an important role in how your body looks.
Remember that you love your family, friends, and partner for their personality rather than their looks. So you also deserve the same love and affection and you shouldn't be treated any less due to your body weight.
Communicate with the people who tease you or ask you to lose weight about how you feel bad when someone comments on your body and maintain a boundary with them.
Photos shown in media undergo a lot of editing and lighting to make them look a certain way. So don't compare yourself with them.


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