Why food baby is not Normal?(spongebob themed-Dont ask me why)


"You are what you Eat"

Oh, Gawd! I will get into a lot of trouble for saying this, "Bloating is not normal".WHAT?It was surprising for me as well. That's because everyone around me bloats, so I thought, it's NORMAl. It is normal to have a belly filled with food.
But it is not normal to have a stomach filled with gas that is painful, uncomfortable or you feel the need to fart. Bloating can be caused even due to food that you ate two days before. So, it's difficult to figure out what foods cause bloating. Your poop can determine how your digestion is. 
Generally, bloating occurs when there is an imbalance in the Gut microbes
Why should I care about bloating?
All diseases arise from the gut. Food is not just calories. We crave certain foods because our body craves the nutrients present in that food. So food is a source from which our body gets nutrients. If the nutrients don't get absorbed properly, it turns into toxins and enters the bloodstream.
Cause for Imbalance in Gut Microbiome:
 A problem in our body is due to a multitude of reasons:
1. Stress: Stress can change the gut microbiome ratio. It can be due to traveling, working all the time, family pressure, not sleeping enough, not breathing deeply, etc. It can affect the mental and physical health of a person. Usually, when a person thinks of food, his mouth waters. That is an indication to the stomach that food is coming. But when you are eating under stress, the body enters into fight or stress mode rather than rest and digest mode, then how would the digestion work properly.

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2. Food: Eating refined sugar, processed food, additives, artificial colors, etc, is known to change the gut microbiome ratio. Sometimes changing diets can mess up the gut microbiome because your body is not used to eating certain foods. So suddenly changing diet can cause an imbalance.

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3. Sleep: Sleeping 7 to 8 hrs is a must. It seems like it doesn't hurt much when you lose 1 or 2 hrs of sleep. But when you are sleep-deprived, you react to food differently. You get  more hungry and easily bloated because the gut has a hard time digesting the food

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4. Chewing food: When food is mixed with saliva, the enzymes break down the food and turn it into a goop. But when you are gulping the food it adds pressure to the stomach. Thus food is not digested properly.

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5. Drink enough water: Drinking water depends on the amount of physical activity or the food you eat. Drinking water sip by sip helps to know when we are satisfied. But during work, we fail to read the signals given by the body. So it's easy to keep a bottle which reminds us to drink enough water. Not drinking enough water can lead to constipation. Constipation comes from bloating.
Water dilutes the stomach acid. So, it is advisable to drink water 30 mins before food and 1 hr after food. That's when the body naturally craves water.

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6. Overeating: Eating foods past your stomach capacity can cause bloating. That's because you should eat food covering 1/3 of your stomach. Rest should be air and acid to give enough space to digest properly. Eating less food>>>>overeating.

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7. Cooked and warm foods: Warm and cooked foods are easier to digest than cold foods. That's why it is not advisable to eat fruits along with meals because fruits get decomposed inside the stomach. That causes bloating.
 Some people don't bloat at all, even when they eat a lot. That is not an excuse to eat junk and processed food. At a young age, they can even digest rock. But suddenly, they are diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure.


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