5 food products that is not worth your money

New year resolution:Behave like a adult👀

If you are trying to be healthy, you might have tried or come across these products.
Around 90% of Indian households have least used one of these products.
I don't blame the brands because they were successful in marketing but have failed to keep their customers healthy.
The following products are not worth your money and time if you want to start your healthy lifestyle:
1. Green tea:

Green tea is advertised as a weight/ fat loss product. But is it?
I mean, it is not even different compared to regular tea. Green tea and black tea are made from the same plant. Green tea is processed so that it is not oxidized. That's why it is lighter in color. Both regular tea and green tea improve the brain and heart. Some studies show that green tea helps prevent cancer and increases metabolism in the short run.
But, tea causes heat in the body and, it can cause stomach issues, anxiety, disturbed sleep if consumed in excess.
2. Sugar-free:

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It is a sugar substitute that is just an artificial sweetener. It has reduced calories which may lead to weight loss. But artificial sweeteners will not be digested by our gut and lead to bloating(imbalance of gut microbe). Research suggests that people who consume artificial sweeteners consume more sweets and get addicted to sugar.
3. Digestive biscuits:

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Digestive biscuits are the most marketed biscuit for weight loss which is the biggest lie you can ever hear.
Have you ever checked the key ingredients?
The ingredients list says refined wheat(maida), sugar and palm oil, invert syrup, and food colors. All the ingredients are harmful to the gut. These ingredients don't get properly digested and create toxins within the body. So the next time someone says eat a "sugar free" biscuit, you run away in the other direction. Because even if it is lesser in calories, it is harmful to the body.
4. Cornflakes:

It is the brand that advertised the importance of breakfast. It says it is light on the stomach filled with fiber and carbs. But they ignore to say they also add sugar in them.
Sugar is addictive so eating cornflakes is also addictive. It is not filling as it claims to be.
If you read the ingredients and don't understand then, it is not real food.
5. Wheat bread:

When white bread (maida) was considered unhealthy, wheat bread became popular.
But have you seen the ingredients?
It has refined wheat flour( maida), sugar, and other bullshit ingredients. If you are interested and have time, you can make bread at home. There are so many recipes online. But let's talk real. We never have the energy to make it. Some genuine brands make pure wheat bread which is healthy to eat. But never trust the brand based on the name. Always check the ingredients.

Just because a product is advertised healthy, it doesn't need to be healthy. Always check the ingredients or do some research behind them before consuming them


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