Benefits of getting sunlight
I have a weird obsession of using shitty filters. |
"I am not going out. I will get a suntan, and it will damage my hair.
Put fairness cream. It will make your skin 10x lighter."
I am just kidding. Fairness cream should not be on the list to put on the skin.
I was grown in a house where we are made sure that we opened all the windows to get maximum light inside the house.
But I have seen my friends venumte close all the windows and sit in a dark room.
Do you know 70 to 80 percent of Indians face vitamin D deficiency?
Why? especially when we get sunlight all year round
Before I begin, We get vitamin D from the sun.
Vitamin D deficiency can cause back pain, low immunity, and hair fall.
Sun even though it produces harmful UV rays. Taking sunlight in the right way can have multiple health benefits. It improves memory, eyesight, improves immunity and the most obvious one is it cures vitamin D deficiency.
There is a reason why almost all organism depends on sunlight.
What is sunbathing?
It is exposing the body to sunlight to get the benefits of sunlight.
What is the time one should sunbathe?
There is a proper way and time to absorb sunlight.
You cant stand under the sun at noon and expect to get benefits.
It causes more harm and good. You get headaches and skin problems.
The best time to sunbathe is from sunrise to 9 AM or from 4 PM to sunset.
How to sunbathe?
Drink water before sunbathing(to remain hydrated)
wear light color clothes to absorb sunlight.
Remain under the sun till you begin to sweat(which should be 20-30 mins)
What not to do?
Don't eat anything before or after you sunbathe for around 2 hrs.
That's it!
Alternatives to sunbathing:
Even though there are alternatives, sunbathing must be done in the method (mentioned above) to real the maximum benefits.
Tip: Expose the area which is problematic to you in the sun. It will go away in a few days.
- exercise outside/take a walk
- open your curtains.
You get the point!
There is a yogic method called Trataka. It is a method used to increase focus and concentration.
It can even help with sleep-related issues.
It's staring at the sunlight(during sunrise or sunset)
for 10 seconds without blinking. Don't overstrain your eyes.
Alternative to sunlight can be lighting a lamp and staring at it.
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