How to change your mindset to change your life?


There are more connections in your brain than the stars in the universe.

It was so fascinating to me how our brain works in a millisecond.

While we are cycling, we slip on a rock. Immediately our leg is down to support our balance. It also creates memories, so you will remember the next time you go on that path.

Similarly, we assume our mind is a separate thing. What is our mind? Is it a feeling, remembering, planning? Our mind and body are interlinked.

Our mind influences the body. For example, when you are stressed, then your muscles get stiff. Similarly, your body directs your mind like exercising makes you feel relaxed and happy. 

Why is our brain shaped like a walnut?


It looks like a walnut to maximize the thinking area. If you stretch it out, it appears like several sheets of paper. It looks wrinkly to hold neurons close together.


Our minds create "stories". That can harm you or have a positive effect on you.

For example: During Valentine's day, you see a couple fighting. You then imagine the fight they might be having. Then you realize that you are single and never had a bf. Then you question yourself why you never had a problem. Is there any problem with me? Am I not attractive enough?

 It put you in a bad mood.

But you could also think, I never had a bf because I am not ready for a bf rn and I need to work on myself till then. This "story" motivates you to work on yourself.

Both these are "stories" you make inside your head. But it changes your entire thoughts, feelings, and reality.

So if we have control over our mind, how can we change it to our advantage?

1. Shift your focus on new things(making your mind direct your body)

  • Reframe the "story"

For example: "I had a terrible stomach ache because I ate the wrong food. Why is it happening to me?"

Reframe the story: "I had a terrible stomach ache because I didn't take care of my health. It was a signal for me to focus on my health. I will avoid eating these kinds of foods the next time. I learned from my mistake." 

Notice when you are going into a spiral of negative thoughts. Negative thoughts come from the place of self-critic. 

"Even if you cover gold with mud, the gold reminds the same underneath."

Similarly, you lower your self-esteem by saying, "I don't deserve love,"

 "I deserve this pain",

 " Why am I facing all the problems?".

 But deep inside, you are still that child who was confident to try new things, always playful and happy. The dirt from the outside world covers you as you grow older.

Talk back to your critic when it says you are stupid. Talkback, "I am learning. These are the things I know, but I will keep learning."

  • When you are feeling fear: 

What if I fail? 

What if I couldn't marry the partner I love?

What if I couldn't get the job?

If you think about it, It is just one of the possibilities. You are not thinking about all the issues surrounding it. 

Next time you think about a worst-case scenario, think, what if I get this job? What if I pass?

2. Change your body:

Focus on exercise, yoga, meditation, and smiling at yourself in the mirror. (Making your body direct your mind)

A man tells his doctor, “Doc, help me. I’m addicted to Twitter!”

The doctor replies, “Sorry, I don’t follow you…”

What’s the difference between a cat and a comma?

A cat has claws at the end of paws; A comma is a pause at the end of a clause.

What is the relationship between trigonometry and Thanos?


What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?


What do you call a fish with no eyes?

A fsh.  

If any of the jokes made you laugh, congratulations. 

Laughter makes you more creative, improves your mood, helps you think better.

If these jokes didn't make you laugh, go check out some comedy. The laughter never hurts anyone.

Or look at the mirror and smile. The facial muscles will give signals to the brain indicating you are happy. So naturally, your mood lifts.

Exercising makes your brain happy by producing a feel-good hormone called endorphins. 


3. Watching nature:

It helps you to heal faster plus, keeping plants at home also increases oxygen and reduces toxins inside the house.

4. Walking in the sunlight can awaken you and help reduce stress and increase your immunity, too.

5. Increasing your connections:

Eat with your family, play games with friends, volunteer to clean beaches, play with pets can soothe your brain. Since humans are social animals, we crave connection. That is why they advise you to keep pets at home if you live alone. 

6. Just like exercise is for your body, you should exercise your brain too.

For example, when I was learning how to drive a car. At first, I felt stupid and awkward. When I am learning something new, new neurons develop, and the more you practice, the more the neurons. After some time, it becomes a habit. Now I can drive without thinking twice.

There are ways to activate your brain muscle:

  • Take a new route than usual to go somewhere.
  • Take up new skills or read books.
  •  Ask questions: how does a match stick light fire? Why is the brain shaped like a walnut?
  • Take a break from your phone, laptops, and other electronics. Your brain wants to be engaged. These electronics keep you entertained.
  • Engage both sides of your brain: humming while learning, listening to music tunes helps in memorizing

7. Reducing clutter clears your brain:

  • Throw away the things you don't want anymore. Those old jeans you said you would wear later. That dairy milk wrapper you used to save as a kid. If you do it, it miraculously makes you take a decision.
  •  Buy less stuff, only what you need.

This is quite a long blog.

Congrats if you came this far.

I always talk about physical health. So, this blog is about changing your mindset because your thoughts become your reality.


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