Indian super foods (Part 2)
I went to the beach recently. I was like semma thristy. Beach was not the plan that day.
Anyway, what happened is I wanted something healthy. So I looked around and saw that everything was unhealthy (cool drinks, juices, and many more) except sugar cane juice.
Then it was like spinach to Popeye. I got all the energy in the world that I started running on the beach and laughed madly.
It was something crazy I did after a long time, but it was bloody fun. It was like Pheobe running.
Why am I telling you this is to give you a taste of why sugarcane is a superfood? It does give you some powers of a superhero. Does it?
I am going to bust some myths around sugarcane:
"Avoid if you want to lose weight."
Weight gain can be caused due to sedentary lifestyle and eating unhealthy foods.
It can cause both fat loss and muscle gain.
For fat loss, add ginger and drink a little less often.
"Isn't sugar cane high in sugar?"
The sugar in sugarcane is natural. So it is easily absorbed by the body.
It is a tonic for jaundice. Sugar cane is used for deep cleanse in Ayurveda. That's why it is recommended for jaundice because it helps in the rejuvenation of the liver.
Eating sugarcane is like lifting weights for your teeth and gums.
"Avoid if diabetic."
Yes and No.
Do you know when we boil the root of the sugarcane and drink it, it is a medicine for diabetics?
Remainder to ask the vendor to prepare fresh juice and add ginger for better digestion. Consume before 5 pm.
Neem is bitter but is one of the superfoods
It has antifungal and antibacterial properties. So it is used to treat dandruff and lice.
When you store neem leaves along with rice, it keeps the insects away.
Even during chickenpox, neem leaves are hung on the door to prevent infection.
Plus, eating neem is cooling for the body.
If you eat 4 to 5 neem leaves on an empty stomach, it helps purify the blood.
Banana is a superfood because:
It is an instant energy recharger and the best pre-workout snack.
It is the best food for the gut. Consume it when you have constipation or diarrhea. It is a natural stomach soother.
Not only do bananas (as fruit) have a lot of benefits, but every part of the banana is nature's gift to us.
Banana stem:
You can use the banana stem to make soups and curries. It is a superfood for the kidney.
Banana leaf:
It is an eco-friendly plate used in weddings, festivals, etc. But do you know it enhances the taste of foods?
And it helps in the absorption of nutrients by the body.
It's due to polyphenols in the leaf that helps not only in enhancing the taste. Also, blood sugar doesn't spike but rises slowly.
Raw banana:
You can make chips and curries using them. It has amino acid tryptophan that helps in mood swings and helps in sleep.
Banana flower:
Have you seen or eaten a banana flower?
There is only one flower in each tree. My mom used to make delicious curry with that. It tastes YUM. It helps with acne, low hemoglobin
Turmeric is a superfood spice.
It adds color to the food. We eat food through our eyes first. We usually add artificial colors to bring the color.
Also, adding turmeric improves blood circulation and reduces bad cholesterol.
Adding turmeric and curd and applying that on the skin will cure skin issues and help the skin glow.
Applying turmeric to wounds will help in preventing infection since it is antibacterial.
Drinking golden milk (combination of milk, pepper, and turmeric) helps in cough, cold, and other throat infections.
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