What should I prefer? Veg vs Non veg
Before I start
1. It is not against non-veg people
2. You might think I am biased while writing this because I am vegetarian myself
I am writing this only from a health perspective
Why did I write this blog?
Being vegetarian from birth, I was always curious about non-veg, especially after seeing crispy chicken wings. I wanted to try one day. I have eaten eggs and even loved them. But recently, everyone talked about the health benefits of being a vegetarian or a vegan, which motivated me to dig deeper.
Why are people eager to turn into a veg or vegan diet?
There can be two reasons
1. They love animals and nowadays due to poor treatment of animals,they switch diets
2. They see the health benefits of being on a veg diet
Why do people eat non-veg?
What non-vegetarians people tell vegetarians: How do you get your protein?
Yes, when you eat non-veg, you do get more protein. Along with protein, you do get many vitamins and minerals.
But research on non-veg says otherwise:
One day they say, eating meat reduces longevity.
The next day, they say, avoid red meat and eat white meat
It keeps changing.
So why do many people switch from non-veg to veg? There must be a reason, right?
Let us see the benefits:
1. It improves your mood:
Arachidonic acid emits in the body when you eat an animal product that causes mood disturbances. Research says that people get calmer and more at peace when they start eating a veg diet
2. It changes your taste buds:
It was surprising to me too. Like I thought when you chose to leave meat, but that too when you are a non-veg eater, would you miss meat?
But the thing is when you start eating veg foods, the benefits that you get from it make you crave less meat. But changing taste buds is not an overnight thing. It happens slowly, gradually
Plus you get more energy mainly becoz of better digestion. Being a vegetarian, you eat lots of fiber, veggies which has a lot of minerals and vitamins which boost your energy
3. It has health benefits:
Being vegetarian has a low risk of high cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes, lower overall cancer rates, and lower risk of chronic disease.
In the book The RealAge Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat: “People who consume saturated, four-legged fat have a shorter life span and more disability at the end of their lives. Animal products clog your arteries, zap your energy, and slow down your immune system. Meat eaters also experience accelerated cognitive and sexual dysfunction at a younger age.”
4. Reduces pollution:
People are using 80 percent of the land to raise animals. But that covers only up to 18 % of the food consumed by Non-vegetarians. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), chemical waste from factory farms is responsible for more than 173,000 miles of polluted rivers and streams. The killing of animals creates a lot of methane which causes the greenhouse effect.
I feel eating non veg is not worth it. But at the same time, consuming non-veg is a personal choice.
If the person has a goal to build muscle, they might consume animals products due to their high protein content.
But if the person is concerned about his overall health, I would suggest to consume a veg diet.
End of the day, it is a choice.
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